Theatres Leading Change Toronto (TLC Toronto) was a consortium initiative that continued a body of work exploring and learning from practitioner-led change that we have been pursuing since…
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No entity—whether arts organization, business or government—can be creative, productive or proactive if in debt, in crisis or if human resources are overextended and burned out…
For artists and arts providers, the need and desire to make, produce, perform, exhibit, present or write art is equaled only by the need and desire to connect…
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Changing audience and arts participation behaviors stems from each arts provider’s commitment to audience and community as a fundamental part of their beliefs and values. Audiences and arts…
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501c3 arts entities arts entrepreneurs audience development balance Board of Directors board partners Board structures Change Collaboration Communities core group crisis management decision-making Development donors dysfunction emergence funders Fundraising genuine insight human resources Intervention invention leadership learning Meaningful mission organizational change organization profile participation partnership Planning problem solving professional leadership relationship building Resources sequential cycle phenomenon strategic planning Strategy structure the artistic process Transition value Vision